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Founder Statement:

"As the Founder/President of the Chinese Student Association (CSA) Club, our purpose is to bring awareness to Asian culture and to continue the tradition of giving back to the community through philanthropy. We raise money through fundraiser events and Socratic seminars that bring awareness to important issues such as mental health, LGBTQ+ issues in the Asian community, and the global pandemic. All the money that we raise is donated to medical research centers, such as St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Hepatitis B Foundation, and Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center. We chose to donate the fundraiser money to these research centers because Hepatitis B and C and diabetes disproportionately affect Asians in America. According to Stanford University, “While Asian Americans constitute only 4% of the population in the United States, they comprise over half of the nation’s 1.2-2 million people chronically infected with hepatitis B”, which is one of the greatest racial health disparities in the United States. This club has been so fulfilling and meaningful because we were able to help those who need it the most. Asian Americans and other racial-ethnic minorities are often displaced and disregarded in America; However, CSA became the voice for the voiceless.


CSA has taught me so much including ways to improve communication, coordination, active listening, and unity amongst all the club volunteers. Apart from my own personal growths, through CSA, I’ve watched all the other club members thrive as well. From the shy freshmen, nervous sophomores, and stressed juniors, everyone grew to become confident, independent, and social humans. Having a club like CSA was a melting pot filled with diverse ideas and a platform of teamwork in which others have not only learned from me, I’ve learned from others through their stories and ideas and as well. We all worked together, learning from each other, and expanded on ideas in order to improve and reach our goal. 


The club started out as a bunch of strangers in a room in hopes of learning about their culture and giving back to the community to a room full of optimistic, selfless, and philanthropic students whom I now consider part of my family. This club is so meaningful to me because not only do I get a chance to connect with my culture and spread culture, but I feel like I am making a change inside and outside of my school community. There is no minimum age requirement to help others, that's why CSA is breaking barriers to help others now and become present-day philanthropists for all. These experiences taught me how we are all connected in the cosmos of existence. CSA is composed of diverse students coming from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, which made me realize that there's only one race and that's the human race. CSA is working to improve health outcomes and living conditions for everyone. We won't have a future if we do not take action in the present. This is why CSA is committed to making a change now, to ensure the future."


Lillian Lee,

First President & Founder of CSA

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